Heat transfer In order for food to be cooked, heat must be transferred from the heat source Understanding the ways in which heat is transferred and the speed at which it is transferred helps the cook control the cooking process. Heat is transferred in three ways: conduction, convection, and radiation. CONDUCTION When heat moves directly from one item to something touching it. For example: from the top of the range to a soup pot placed on it, from the pot to the broth inside, and from the broth to the solid food items in it. When heat moves from one part of something to an adjacent part of the same item. For example: from the exterior of a roast to the interior, or from a sauté pan to its handle. Different materials conduct heat at different speeds. Heat moves rapidly through copper aluminum, more slowly in stainless steel, more slowly yet in glass and porcelain. Air is a very poor conductor of heat. CONVECTION Convection occurs when heat is spread by the movement of air, steam, or...